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<name>Erase High Score</name>
<script>on mouseUpanswer "Do you really want to clear the score?" with "No" or "Yes"if it is "Yes" thenlock screenselect text of card field "Name"if the selectedText is not empty thenset lockText of card field "Name" to falsedoMenu "Clear Text"set lockText of card field "Name" to trueend ifselect text of card field "Score"if the selectedText is not empty thenset lockText of card field "Score" to falsedoMenu "Clear Text"set lockText of card field "Score" to trueend ifselect text of card field "Date"if the selectedText is not empty thenset lockText of card field "Date" to falsedoMenu "Clear Text"set lockText of card field "Date" to trueend ifunlock screenend ifend mouseUp</script>
<script>on mouseUpglobal count, playerTotal, controlP, deal, dealSoundif deal is false thenbeepexit mouseUpend ifput "P1,P2,P3,P4,P5" into playerCard-- deal cardrepeatput random(52) into dealCardif item dealCard of line 2 of card field "Decks" is "T" thenadd 1 to countput item dealCard of line 3 of card field "Decks" & space ¬after line 2 of card field "Player"put item dealCard of line 1 of card field "Decks" & space ¬after line 1 of card field "Player"put (last word of line 1 of card field "Player") into cardPictadd (last word of line 2 of card field "Player") to playerTotalpicture cardPict, resource, rect, falseget number of words of line 2 of card field "Player"get rect of button (item it of playerCard)set rect of window cardPict to itplay dealSoundshow window cardPictput (52 - count) into card field "Left"put "F" into item dealCard of line 2 of card field "Decks"exit repeatelsenext repeatend ifend repeat-- check the existence of A if over 21 pointsif playerTotal > 21 thenget number of words of line 1 of card field "Player"repeat with i = controlP to itif word controlP of line 1 of card field "Player" contains "A" thensubtract 10 from playerTotaladd 1 to controlPput playerTotal into card field "Score"exit repeatelseadd 1 to controlPend ifend repeatend ifput playerTotal into card field "Score"-- if over 5 cards and less than 21get the number of words of line 2 of card field "Player"if it >= 5 and playerTotal <= 21 thenclose window "Deck5"put (first word of line 1 of card field "Dealer") into cardPictpicture cardPict, resource, rect, falseget rect of button "D1"set rect of window cardPict to itshow window cardPictsend win to this backgroundexit mouseUpend ifif playerTotal > 21 thenclose window "Deck5"put (first word of line 1 of card field "Dealer") into cardPictpicture cardPict, resource, rect, falseget rect of button "D1"set rect of window cardPict to itshow window cardPictsend loss to this backgroundend ifend mouseUp</script>
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<script>on mouseUpglobal count, dealerTotal, hold, controlD, dealSoundif hold is false thenbeepexit mouseUpend ifput false into holdclose window "Deck5"put (word 1 of line 1 of card field "Dealer") into cardPictpicture cardPict, resource, rect, falseget rect of button "D1"set rect of window cardPict to itshow window cardPictput "D1,D2,D3,D4,D5" into dealerCardrepeat with i = 3 to 5if dealerTotal >= 17 then exit repeat--deal cardrepeatput random(52) into dealCardif item dealCard of line 2 of card field "Decks" is "T" thenadd 1 to countput item dealCard of line 3 of card field "Decks" & space ¬after line 2 of card field "Dealer"put item dealCard of line 1 of card field "Decks" & space ¬after line 1 of card field "Dealer"put (word i of line 1 of card field "Dealer") into cardPictpicture cardPict, resource, rect, falseget rect of button (item i of dealerCard)set rect of window cardPict to itplay dealSoundshow window cardPictput (52 - count) into card field "Left"put "F" into item dealCard of line 2 of card field "Decks"exit repeatelsenext repeatend ifend repeatadd word i of line 2 of card field "Dealer" to dealerTotal-- check Aif dealerTotal > 21 thenget number of words of line 1 of card field "Dealer"repeat with i = controlD to itif word controlD of line 1 of card field "Dealer" contains "A" thensubtract 10 from dealerTotaladd 1 to controlDexit repeatelseadd 1 to controlDend ifend repeatend ifend repeat-- compare dealer and playerif dealerTotal > 21 thensend win to this backgroundexit mouseUpend ifput card field "Score" into playerTotalif dealerTotal > playerTotal thensend loss to this backgroundelse if dealerTotal = playerTotal thensend tie to this backgroundelsesend win to this backgroundend ifend mouseUp</script>
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<name>Next Hand</name>
<script>on mouseUpglobal count, dealerTotal, playerTotal, controlP, controlD, nextHandglobal deal, holdglobal dealSoundif nextHand is false thenbeepexit mouseUpend ifif card field "Bet" > card field "Account" thenbeepanswer "You do not have enough money" with "OK"exit mouseUpend ifset lockText of card field "Bet" to truesubtract card field "Bet" from card field "Account"put false into nextHandput true into dealput true into holdput 1 into controlPput 1 into controlD-- clear screenput the windows into windowNamerepeat with i = (the number of lines of windowName) down to 1if (line i of windowName contains "Deck") or ¬(number of chars of line i of windowName <= 3) thenclose window (line i of windowName)end ifend repeat-- close window "Deck5"-- get number of words of line 1 of card field "Dealer"-- repeat with i = 1 to it-- close window (word i of line 1 of card field "Dealer")-- end repeatdelete line 1 of card field "Dealer"delete line 1 of card field "Dealer"-- get number of words of line 1 of card field "Player"-- repeat with i = 1 to it-- close window (word i of line 1 of card field "Player")-- end repeatdelete line 1 of card field "Player"delete line 1 of card field "Player"put 0 into card field "Score"if count >= 45 then send shuffle to this background-- deal first cardrepeatput random(52) into dealCardif item dealCard of line 2 of card field "Decks" is "T" thenadd 1 to countput item dealCard of line 3 of card field "Decks" & space ¬after line 2 of card field "Dealer"put item dealCard of line 1 of card field "Decks" & space ¬after line 1 of card field "Dealer"put "Deck5" into cardPictpicture cardPict, resource, rect, falseget rect of button "D1"set rect of window cardPict to itplay dealSoundshow window cardPictput (52 - count) into card field "Left"put "F" into item dealCard of line 2 of card field "Decks"exit repeatelsenext repeatend ifend repeatrepeatput random(52) into dealCardif item dealCard of line 2 of card field "Decks" is "T" thenadd 1 to countput item dealCard of line 3 of card field "Decks" & space ¬after line 2 of card field "Player"put item dealCard of line 1 of card field "Decks" & space ¬after line 1 of card field "Player"put word 1 of line 1 of card field "Player" into cardPictpicture cardPict, resource, rect, falseget rect of button "P1"set rect of window cardPict to itplay dealSoundshow window cardPictput (52 - count) into card field "Left"put "F" into item dealCard of line 2 of card field "Decks"exit repeatelsenext repeatend ifend repeat-- deal second cardrepeatput random(52) into dealCardif item dealCard of line 2 of card field "Decks" is "T" thenadd 1 to countput item dealCard of line 3 of card field "Decks" & space ¬after line 2 of card field "Dealer"put item dealCard of line 1 of card field "Decks" & space ¬after line 1 of card field "Dealer"put word 2 of line 1 of card field "Dealer" into cardPictpicture cardPict, resource, rect, falseget rect of button "D2"set rect of window cardPict to itplay dealSoundshow window cardPictput (52 - count) into card field "Left"put "F" into item dealCard of line 2 of card field "Decks"exit repeatelsenext repeatend ifend repeatrepeatput random(52) into dealCardif item dealCard of line 2 of card field "Decks" is "T" thenadd 1 to countput item dealCard of line 3 of card field "Decks" & space ¬after line 2 of card field "Player"put item dealCard of line 1 of card field "Decks" & space ¬after line 1 of card field "Player"put word 2 of line 1 of card field "Player" into cardPictpicture cardPict, resource, rect, falseget rect of button "P2"set rect of window cardPict to itplay dealSoundshow window cardPictput (52 - count) into card field "Left"put "F" into item dealCard of line 2 of card field "Decks"exit repeatelsenext repeatend ifend repeat-- calculate totalput 0 into playerTotalput 0 into dealerTotalput 0 into totalrepeat with i = 1 to 2add word i of line 2 of card field "Player" to totaladd word i of line 2 of card field "Dealer" to dealerTotalend repeatif total > 21 and (line 1 of card field "Player" contains "A") thensubtract 10 from totaladd 1 to controlPend ifif dealerTotal > 21 and (line 1 of card field "Dealer" contains "A") thensubtract 10 from dealerTotaladd 1 to controlDend ifput total into card field "Score"put total into playerTotalif playerTotal = 21 thenclose window "Deck5"put (first word of line 1 of card field "Dealer") into cardPictpicture cardPict, resource, rect, falseget rect of button "D1"set rect of window cardPict to itshow window cardPictsend blackJack to this backgroundend ifend mouseUp</script>
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<script>on mouseUpget last line of card field "Score" of card "High Score"put it into lastScoreget card field "Account"put it into scoreget number of lines of card field "Name" of card "High Score"put it into lineNo-- insert new scoreif score >= lastScore thenask "Your score is in the top 10, please enter your name."put it into namerepeat with i = 1 to 10get line i of card field "Score" of card "High Score"if it <= score thenput return before line i of card field "Name" ¬of card "High Score"put return before line i of card field "Score" ¬of card "High Score"put return before line i of card field "Date" ¬of card "High Score"put name into line i of card field "Name" ¬of card "High Score"put score into line i of card field "Score" ¬of card "High Score"put the short date into line i of card field "Date" ¬of Card "High Score"exit repeatend ifend repeat-- delete excess lines in high scoreget number of lines of card field "Name" of card "High Score"put it into lineNoif lineNo > 10 thendelete line 11 of card field "Name" of card "High Score"delete line 11 of card field "Score" of card "High Score"delete line 11 of card field "Date" of card "High Score"end ifvisual effect barn door opengo card "High Score"else if (score < lastScore) and (lineNo < 10) thenask "Your score is in the top 10, please enter your name."put it into nameput name into line (lineNo + 1) of card field "Name"¬of card "High Score"put score into line (lineNo + 1) of card field "Score"¬of card "High Score"put the short date into line (lineNo + 1) of card field "Date"¬of card "High Score"visual effect barn door opengo card "High Score"elseanswer "Do you really want to quit?" with "Well..." or "YES"if it is "YES" thenvisual effect barn door closego prev cardend ifend ifend mouseUp</script>
<script>on openCardglobal nextHand, Deal, Holdput true into nextHandput false into Dealput false into Holdput 200 into card field "Account"put 0 into card field "Score"put 5 into card field "Bet"set lockText of card field "Bet" to falsesend shuffle to this backgroundend openCardon closeCardput the windows into windowNamerepeat with i = (the number of lines of windowName) down to 1if (line i of windowName contains "Deck") or ¬(number of chars of line i of windowName <= 3) thenclose window (line i of windowName)end ifend repeat-- close window "Deck5"-- get number of words of line 1 of card field "Dealer"-- repeat with i = 1 to it-- close window (word i of line 1 of card field "Dealer")-- end repeat-- delete line 1 of card field "Dealer"-- delete line 1 of card field "Dealer"-- get number of words of line 1 of card field "Player"-- repeat with i = 1 to it-- close window (word i of line 1 of card field "Player")-- end repeatdelete line 1 of card field "Player"delete line 1 of card field "Player"end closeCard</script>
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<name>High Score</name>
<script>on mouseUpvisual effect stretch from bottomgo last cardend mouseUp</script>
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<script>on mouseUpif the visible of card field "Help" is true then hide card field "Help"if the visible of card field "Info" is true thenhide card field "Info"show window "Title"elsehide window "Title"show card field "Info"end ifend mouseUp</script>
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<text><span class="style6">yperJack 1.0.1</span><span class="style5"> </span><span class="style7">by Jimmy Sun, 1991</span><span class="style5"></span><span class="style8">HyperJack 1.0.1 is a shareware, you can try it for 15 days. After that, if you decide to keep HyperJack, please send $10 (check or cash) to me. I need this money badly to upgrade my Mac. You can distribute HyperJack to anyone, but please remind them to send money.</span><span class="style5"></span><span class="style8">HyperJack 1.0.1 requires Hypercard 2.0 and system 6.0.5 or later.Please send your shareware fee to:</span><span class="style9">Jimmy Sun310 Rogers Rd. Apt. S204Athens, GA 30605</span><span class="style8"></span><span class="style9">Please show support to your beloved Macintosh by sending your shareware fee.</span><span class="style8">If you have any comment about HyperJack, please E-mail me at:America Online: Jimmy SunCompuServe: 71131,3376</span></text>
<text><span class="style11">yperJack 1.0.1 Help</span><span class="style5"></span><span class="style13">IMPORTANT: When you are using HyperJack, DO NOT open another stack at the same time.</span><span class="style5">HyperJack is the same as the card game "Balck Jack", however, HyperJack has no options for "Double down" and "Safty". </span><span class="style12">HyperJack Title Card:</span><span class="style5"></span><span class="style13">Home</span><span class="style5">: go home stack</span><span class="style13">Play game</span><span class="style5">: starts the game.</span><span class="style13">High score</span><span class="style5">: go to HyperJack Hall of Fame where the top 10 scores are listed.</span><span class="style13">Help</span><span class="style5">: bring up help field (which is this one).</span><span class="style13">Info</span><span class="style5">: bring up the information about the author and where to send the shareware fee.</span><span class="style12">HyperJack Hall of Fame:</span><span class="style5"></span><span class="style13">Play game</span><span class="style5">: starts the game.</span><span class="style13">Retuen</span><span class="style5">: go back to title card.</span><span class="style13">Erase High score</span><span class="style5">: Erase the top 10 list.</span><span class="style13">Home</span><span class="style5">: go home stack.</span><span class="style12">HyperJack Playground:</span><span class="style5"></span><span class="style13">Next Hand</span><span class="style5">: start next game and deal two card to both player and dealer.</span><span class="style13">Deal</span><span class="style5">: take one card at a time to the player.</span><span class="style13">Hold</span><span class="style5">: player stops taking card and dealer starts taking card(s).</span><span class="style13">Exit</span><span class="style5">: return to title card.</span><span class="style12">HyperJack "Option" menu:</span><span class="style5">Located at the menu bar.</span><span class="style13">Sound</span><span class="style5">: turn sound on/off.</span><span class="style13">Help</span><span class="style5">: show Help.</span><span class="style13">Rule</span><span class="style5">: show rules.</span></text>
<script>on openCardpicture "Title", resource, rect, falseshow window "Title" at "174,100"end openCardon closeCardput the windows into windowNameif windowName contains "Title" then close window "Title"hide card field "Info"hide card field "Help"end closeCard</script>
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